Jag är italiensk-brasiliansk Pilates instruktör, personal trainer, fotbollstränare, instruktör i kroppsviktsträning och cirkelträning.
Jag har alltid varit en väldigt passionerad idrottare och utövat många olika grenar sedan ung ålder. Motion är en viktig del av mitt liv. Jag är född i Brasilien och uppvuxen i Valencia, Spanien. Jag har studerat fysisk fostran på universitetet i Rio de Janeiro.
Lördag 31.10 kl. 10-12 i Astrea
Max 12 pers. Anmälan per textmeddelande till Julia (per 23.10 2020) 040 7152918
Pris 20€, betalas till hejdi rf. konto, meddelande Pilates.
My name is Rafael Nybergh Torres
I'm an Italian-Brazilian pilates teacher, personal trainer, calisthenics teacher, circuit training teacher and football coach.
I have always been a passionate athlete and have practiced many forms of sports from a very young age. Sport, in various forms, is an essential part of my life. Born in Brazil and raised in Valencia, Spain, I have studied Physical Education at the University of Rio de Janeiro and completed many different teacher-training courses, among them Pilates and Calisthenics with the National Association of Pilates and Sports Teachers in Spain as well as Personal Trainer, Fitness Instructor and Circuit Training at the YMCA in Montreal, Canada.
In 2009, I found Pilates and since then, I have completed formal trainings in Pilates and have been working primarily as a Pilates teacher, because I know Pilates is an extremely complete and beneficial sport
Benefits of Pilates
- improved flexibility
- increased muscle strength and tone, particularly of your abdominal muscles, lower back, hips and buttocks (the ‘core muscles’ of your body)
- balanced muscular strength on both sides of your body
- enhanced muscular control of your back and limbs
- improved stabilisation of your spine
- improved posture
- rehabilitation or prevention of injuries related to muscle imbalances
- improved physical coordination and balance
- relaxation of your shoulders, neck and upper back
- safe rehabilitation of joint and spinal injuries
- prevention of musculoskeletal injuries
- increased lung capacity and circulation through deep breathing
- improved concentration
- increased body awareness
- stress management and relaxation.